Home: Science: Astronomy

  • Astronomy and Cosmology - This site is to educate the public about astronomy and cosmology and presents the material in an easy-to-read comprehensible form utilizing comparisons and graphical aids.
  • Astronomy Picture of the Day - Each day a different image or photograph of our universe is featured along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer.
  • CMEX (Center for Mars Exploration - Historical references to Mars, previous Mars mission information, tools to analyze Mars, current Mars news.
  • Inconstant Moon - Explore the moon; discover its dramatic features and phenomena; go on a new tour each night, with maps, photos, explanations, animations, selected links and even music.
  • Maps of the Solar System - Zoom up and study "seemingly" aerial photographs of the planets and some moons.
  • NASA's Infrared Processing and Analysis Center - Learn about the discovery of infrared; what is infrared astronomy; news and discoveries; active/future projects.
  • Space.com - News coverage of the space shuttle; science articles on the Earth, astronomy, solar system, and weather; space related business news on aerospace, communications; section on Area 51; message boards and chat.
  • The Peoria Astronomical Society - Browse through the Astronomical Handbook for information on star names, black holes, constellations, our galaxy, the planets, the stars, a 3-D starmap.
  • The Planetary Society - Your connection to the exploration of the solar system and the search for life in the universe.
  • The Space Weather Bureau - Space weather is dedicated to the understanding of interactions between the sun and Earth, and to the forecasting of solar flares, magnetic storms and other space-related phenomena.
  • Windows to the Universe - Learn about our planet, the solar system, the universe; reviews of the planets; kids' space and a teacher resource section; ask a scientist.